Legal Information

Last update: October 30, 2021

Copyrights and Intellectual Property

Corno Consulting™ is a trademark of Yann Corno.

The trademarks, logos, company names, trade names, signs and/or domain names of Corno Consulting are distinctive signs that cannot be used without the express and prior authorization of their owner.

The content (texts and images) of this website are property of Corno Consulting, except for the Themify Icons.

This website is published by Corno Consulting.

Corno Consulting
8 chemin des Grands Prés
91190 Gif sur Yvette
SIRET : 892 525 486 00015
APE : 7490B
D-U-N-S number: 27-722-6488

Publishing Director: Yann Corno

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